Radiant Dyes has 35 years of experience in Laser Dyes and Dye Laser development. We are the oldest existing manufacturer of tunable laser and laser accessories.
"Radiant Dyes Laser Acc. GmbH" is a synonym for high quality products: dye lasers.
Our dye laser "NarrowScan" has been developed further over the last years and is now the most advanced product of Radiant Dyes. Similarly Radiant Dyes kept the cw-ring and Titan-Sapphire lasers up to date. For more than 20 years, we also offer successfully, excimer lasers.
Since 2009 we are selling a tunable narrowband Diode Laser with interference-filter stabilization and external cavity, our "NarrowDiode", and now also available with amplifier.
With optomechanical components, such as mirror mounts, lens mounts and posts Radiant Dyes wanted to add a second string to our bow and we have developed them to absolute high-end products.
We also offer a variety of laser accessories such as laser dyes, filters, dye cells, optics, dye circulators, cooling aggregates, thyratrons etc for our own laser systems and also for old Lambda Physics, Coherent, Quantel, Quanta Ray lasers and much more.
Radiant Dyes gladly offers general overhauls of old laser systems (dye lasers and excimer lasers), as well as laser service and training.
We participate in the preparation of experiments and the equipment of laboratories, which is highly appreciated by universities and research centres worldwide.
For 30 years, Radiant Dyes satisfy individual wishes to the point of series manufacturing.
We are the first address for Dye Laser, Laser Accessories and Optomechanics.
Since 33 years now we synthesise laser dyes in excellent quality. The extensive quality management of our experienced chemists ensures a constant quality on a high level.
Our offer consists of a broad range of laser dyes to cover all desired wavelengths. All special data are noticed in the table of our dye poster, already mentioning the pumplaser which is used. Also we offer solvents in laser quality, which are the optimum solvents for Coumarine, Rhodamine and Cyanine dyes because of their high polarity. The high viscosity of Ethylene glycol shows to be an advantage for the use of cw-dye lasers.
for optomechanics & accessories in Israel:
Ammo engineering Ltd.
Odem 5 Petah Tikva
P.O Box 7156
Tel- +972-3-9239666
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hyrcan RayMechanics Ltd.
Optics Division
No. 16, 28th Janbaz St.
Janbazan Bldv. , Gorgan
49166-47673, Iran
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Contact Person: Ahmad Faridian
1982 - Founding of Radiant Dyes with Laser Dyes and Laser Accessories
1986 - Dye-Laser with Grazing Incident Grating and top adjustable mirror mounts
1989 - Nitrogen laser / Nitrogen pico secound laser
1990 - Excimer / tunable linear cw- and picosecond dye laser
1993 - New Building (600 m²) / 100Hz Nd:YAG-System
New Product Range: Mirror Mounts
1994 - cw-laser /cw-ring-laser
1995 - Extended Product Range of Optomechanics (Posts, Lens Mounts, Holding Forks)
1996 - Narrowscan Dye-Laser with attached Pump-Optic
1997 - Dye-seeded OPO
1999 - New Narrowscan Dye-laser with top adjustable mirror mounts and Bandwidth Control,
Frequency Stabilization, Autocalibration Temperature Stabilization
2002 - New Excimer-Lab / New Excimer-series / New Laser-Controller / LabView-Software
own Production of Fine Thread Screws 0,25mm pitch
2003 - New single frequency cw-ring laser (Ti:Sa and Dye)
2004 - New Narrowscan with absolute new design
New narrow pulsed Ti:Sa-Laser
World Innovation: own Production of Fine Thread Screws 0,15mm pitch
2006 - Extended Excimer laser series EXC-5 EXC-20 EXC-200 EXC-300
2007 - New production center in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
starts production of Excimer laser
2009 - New NarrowDiode laser
2012 - 30 years company anniversary
NarrowDiode Laser with Amplifier
Beam Guide System
Cooperative Partner of FineAdjustment
2022 - 40-Year-Anniversary of Radiant Dyes
Radiant Dyes Laser & Accessories GmbH
Friedrichstraße 58
42929 Wermelskirchen
Geschäftsführer und Verantwortlicher:
H.-D. Müllenmeister
Telefon : +49(0)2196 81061
Telefax : +49(0)2196 3422
E - Mail : info@ radiant-dyes.com
Internet : www.radiant-dyes.com
Eintragung im Handelsregister.
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Registernummer : HRB 36335
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Online-Streitbeilegung gemäß Art. 14 Abs. 1 ODR-VO: Die Europäische Kommission stellt eine Plattform zur Online-Streitbeilegung (OS) bereit, die Sie hier finden: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr.
Hinweis gemäß § 36 Verbraucherstreitbeilegungsgesetz
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Technische Umsetzung & Unterstützung:
[webdesign wegen]
Terms and Conditions of Sale.pdf (70Kb)
Prices:The minimum order value is EUR 80,- net, otherwise we have to charge you EUR 10,-.
Cooperative Partner of
Radiant Dyes has 30 years of experience in Laser Dyes and Dye Laser development. We are the oldest existing manufacturer of tunable laser and laser accessories. "Radiant Dyes Laser Acc. GmbH" is a synonym for high quality products: dye lasers. Our dye laser "NarrowScan" has been developed further over the last years and is now the most advanced product of Radiant Dyes. Similarly Radiant Dyes kept the cw-ring and Titan-Sapphire lasers up to date. For more than 20 years, we also offer successfully, excimer lasers. Since 2009 we are selling a tunable narrowband Diode Laser with interference-filter stabilization and external cavity, our "NarrowDiode", and now also available with amplifier. With optomechanical components, such as mirror mounts, lens mounts and posts Radiant Dyes wanted to add a second string to our bow and we have developed them to absolute high-end products. We also offer a variety of laser accessories such as laser dyes, filters, dye cells, optics, dye circulators, cooling aggregates, thyratrons etc for our own laser systems and also for old Lambda Physics, Coherent, Quantel, Quanta Ray lasers and much more. Radiant Dyes gladly offers general overhauls of old laser systems (dye lers and excimer lasers), as well as laser service and training. We participate in the preparation of experiments an the equipment of laboratories, which is highly appreciated by universities and research centres worldwide. For 30 years, Radiant Dyes satisfy individual wishes to the point of series manufacturing. We are the first address for Dye Laser, Laser Accessories and Optomechanics.